According to statistics, one out of every two-hundred homes will be foreclosed upon.
While this is sad news for those who loose their homes, the surge in home foreclosures is offering lucrative job opportunities.
Many enterprising people are using this chance to earn money by cleaning foreclosed homes.
Keep reading to discover how you could make an income by starting your own foreclosure cleanup business.
Why is Cleaning Foreclosed Homes a Lucrative Opportunity?
Even in the best of times, houses are constantly being foreclosed upon; during economic hardships, multitudes of foreclosures are certain. Depending on the people who lived in the house, foreclosed homes can be left in a wide variety of different conditions. In almost all cases, homes that have been foreclosed upon would need at least minor clean up, some repairs, and basic maintenance before they could be put on the market. Since few banks have the resources or time to devote to cleaning foreclosed homes, these houses are left standing uninhabited, their condition worsening by the day. Not only are banks loosing money when they are unable to sell these foreclosed homes, but, in many areas, banks are fined daily when these homes and yards break ordinances and become eyesores to the community. Foreclosure cleanup businesses are great assets to banks since they not only alleviate fines, but also make it possible for the houses to be put on the market and sold. Banks are anxious to hire foreclosure cleanup businesses that can help them recover their losses, and are willing to pay top dollar for their services. Since so many houses are constantly being foreclosed upon, there is always a need for those willing to provide cleanup.

What Does a Foreclosure Cleanup Business Involve?
Depending on the area and previous owners, foreclosed homes may need minor maintenance work or could require a thorough cleanup. Outdoor projects include mowing the lawn, caring for plants, and repairs on fences and gutters. Indoor care can involve trash disposal, general household maintenance, carpet cleanup, and painting. Some additional maintenance jobs may include draining pools, winterizing the home, raking leaves, and shoveling snow. A foreclosure cleanup business can be operated by a family or friends, providing supplemental income or a full-time job. Starting a foreclosure cleanup business can be a great way for families to bond together while raising money to get out of debt, pay bills, or save for a vacation.
Earn an Income Cleaning Foreclosed Homes
In today’s economy, finding a secure job can be challenging. By providing cleanup services for foreclosed homes, individuals can discover a wonderful business opportunity that will always provide work. Since foreclosures abound during financial crisis, cleaning services may be in higher demand during a rough economy, providing work despite the overall poor job outlook. Often, banks are being fined one-thousand dollars for homes that break ordinances with their unkept appearance while foreclosed houses loose market value by the day. Since banks are loosing money when foreclosed houses are left sitting, cleanup services are in high demand and banks are willing to pay plenty of money to get the job done. In many cases, foreclosure cleanup businesses are paid between five-hundred ($500) to one-thousand five-hundred dollars ($1500) for each house they prepare for the market. If repairs are included, businesses can be paid an average of five-thousand dollars ($5000) for every finished home.
Advantages of Cleaning Foreclosed Homes
When cleaning foreclosed homes becomes your job, you will be in charge of your own business, giving you the opportunity to decide what hours you want to work and how many jobs you want to take on. If a bank presents a job that seems too overwhelming or outside your area of expertise, you will be free to turn the opportunity down. Cleaning foreclosed homes gives you the chance to either work full-time or only as a supplemental income to your current job. Cleaning foreclosed homes provides you with the advantage of managing your own hours, giving you more time to spend with family and friends. Many stay-at-home mothers and those who are retired may choose cleaning foreclosed homes as a way to make a profit without having a traditional job. Since cleaning foreclosed homes offers a lot of money, you can also expect a wonderful income!
How to Start a Foreclosure Cleanup Business
The first step to starting a cleanup business is to get a license that will allow you to do the work. A license can be obtained by contacting a local government office that will give you specific instructions. Depending on where you live, obtaining a license may involve attending some useful training classes such as hazardous waste removal. Decide who will be working for the business; will you hire employees, work with family, or perform the cleanup alone? When searching for help, it’s best to employ those who have skills such as carpentry or painting experience. Considering combined skills, determine what kind of jobs you will be willing to take on. Once you have your license and your work force, you’re ready to start earning a profit cleaning foreclosed homes.
Skills Needed to Clean Foreclosed Homes
At first glance, restoring a foreclosed home may seem like a huge undertaking; however, with even those with the most basic skills can earn money by providing cleanup. For the most part, general maintenance can be performed by anyone who knows how to do simple household jobs such as sweeping and dusting; many other skills can be learned through easy-to-understand books or programs. The “Foreclosure Cleanup Cash Program” guide books give general instructions about ways you can best provide cleanup to foreclosed homes. It can greatly help one understand the relative market and comprehend the business model that comes along. If you are knowledgeable about home repairs, carpentry, or landscaping, you already have a lot to offer!
How to Find Jobs Cleaning Foreclosed Homes
With hundreds of foreclosed homes in your area, it should be easy to find plenty of work for your cleanup business. To gain attention to your services, you should consider sending out brochures, fliers, and business cards to local banks; in addition, you can choose to take out an ad in the newspaper or publish your business description online. By employing internet sites such as Facebook, you can easily promote your business with no cost.
How Much Will You Loose Starting a Foreclosure Cleanup Business?
The cost of cleaning foreclosed homes often varies depending on the job; however, few homes are expensive to clean. Depending on the services you offer, your start-up costs should only involve the small price of basic supplies such as furniture polish and cleaning solutions. After purchasing initial products, a cleanup business will bring in money that can go directly into your pocket.
Additional Jobs
Not only can you find jobs cleaning homes that have been foreclosed, but your business will also have the opportunity to branch into other home maintenance avenues. For instance, many houses that remain on the market for more than a few weeks will require some upkeep. To increase your income, check with local real estate agents and find out if they would be interested in your services.
Purchasing a Guide for Cleaning Foreclosed Homes
While opening a business that specializes in foreclosure cleanup can be a great way to generate income, it can seem like a huge task. Between questions about employee insurance, licenses, and general tasks, many people find themselves swamped and give up on the idea before they have even started. To get a good overview of job opportunities and to understand how your cleanup business can be the best possible, it is recommended that you purchase a guide about starting a foreclosure cleanup business. “Foreclosure Cleanup Cash Program” is a wonderful guide series that helps individuals step-by-step, giving them tips to turn their small cleaning business into a large-scale money-making profession.
In a world where jobs are often sparse, cleaning foreclosed homes offers a fantastic opportunity for individuals who aren’t scared to try something new. Consider the possibilities of opening your own cleanup service and start adding to your income.