Start Up

Start-up costs of a Cleaning Business & Financing – PART II

Part I of our guide was about the fundamentals of the cleaning business industry. Now you know there’s two major cleaning business types and more than one ways to get started in this business. So, before finalizing your direction, you need to have as clear a view as possible about the costs involved in either

Start-up costs of a Cleaning Business & Financing – PART II Read More »

Starting Up. Procedures, Promotion and Getting Clients – PART III

Now that you know how much it costs to start a cleaning business having read Part II of our guide, it’s time for you to decide the type of cleaning business you’re going to start. Residential or commercial, working straight from your home or going big, focusing on carpet cleaning or window cleaning or maybe

Starting Up. Procedures, Promotion and Getting Clients – PART III Read More »

Management. Expanding your Business for Maximum Profits – PART IV

You’ve set up your business, worked hard on getting your first contracts. What’s next? Before we dive into management related topics, let’s talk a little bit about expanding your business by getting more clients and adding services to your portfolio. To do that, you must improve your sales and marketing skills and familiarize yourself with

Management. Expanding your Business for Maximum Profits – PART IV Read More »

Resources for YOU and your Cleaning Business – Part V

It’s been said already but it never gets old. To successfully start and operate a cleaning business, you must dramatically increase your skills in a wide array of matters. Starting from your cleaning skills, your sales and your management skills. You must learn how to present yourself and your business professionally, to build authority and

Resources for YOU and your Cleaning Business – Part V Read More »

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